Quality - Calidad

Paco bets on quality for his tantric massages. Only protecting and working for his quality tantric massages, and only protecting and fighting for quality you will earn a place in the world of tantric massage in Barcelona and in the world.

Choosing the masseurs that are working with him is the result of a careful training, filled with professional attitude and true love. He is being offered lots of masseurs that wish to work with him to serve the growing demand of massages in Barcelona, but quality is the first and only criteria applied to the casting.

Paco's clients, local citizens or tourists visiting Barcelona wishing to enjoy a tantric massage with the quality only he can deliver, are constantly growing in number as a consequence of the word of mouth effect. And thanks as well to the excellent reviews that he is receiving and his customers spread among their friends.

This masseur chose to constrain the offer of his available massage time rather than giving a huge number of massages by sacrificing the quality. This is the reason why he is only working with just two male masseurs in Barcelona: Tyson and Aleksei. Both of them have different performing styles but have the right training, the best for tantric and erotic massages. Both of them are professional masseurs with the ability to convey sensuality and sweetness with a high level of politeness and male sexyness.

Other massage centers are training a huge amount of new masseurs using accelerated (and expensive for the students) training programs. They shoot into the market their own students, who already payed for their training. We think this is not the tantric spirit. Only a few of them are able to resist the stress longer than a month.

Paco bets on quality, even if this means giving up the business the market is actually demanding. That's why his customers know and appreciate the quality of his massage service. Especially customers who have had the chance to compare the different service of tantric massage in Barcelona and in the rest of the world. Say Berlin, Mumbai, Bangkok, Paris, Budapest or Istanbul.

The quality of massage is not only constrained to its practise. The premises where the massages are served make also a part of this experience. TantraTouch, a studio Paco has been working for, has built all of its premises using designers who are familiarized with oriental style decoration. They used the right styles and elements to create the atmosphere needed for Paco's standard.

Anyway, you can also choose to enjoy your best gay tantric massage right in your hotel room. Paco will create the right atmosphere. Your convenience is first.

Quality is not negotiable for Paco. And the quality of his own tantric massages as well as Tyson's and Aleksei's and the premises where they serve their customers is not negotiable either.

Mass production is always the enemy of quality. It often marks the start of the ending for a given project. Nowadays, precisely when the demand of massages is growing, Paco decided to constrain his offer to keep and raise his quality level. New ideas, new choices for service, new menus and new extras are underway.

Especially in the world of massage, which is about a personal and intimate experience, Paco has the strong will to offer always the best of his service, his techniques, his sensitivity, sympathy and will of conveying well-being, peace and a very sensual and sexy pleasure.

The excess of tantric massages given in one single day may affect the quality of the masseurs' performance. This is the reason why Paco and Tyson accept a number of daily massages. This means the best possible management of their schedule.

In case you may have any doubt, please write Paco directly: pacotantra@gmail.com, he will be pleased to help you out.

You can also reach Paco at his direct phone: +34 676 648 226. Please have in mind he could be at a massage session. He can call you back as soon as available.

Paco invites you to visit his websites and blogs if you wish to complete information about his available massage menus and prices.

Paco apuesta por la calidad de sus masajes tántricos y thai. Solo cuidando la calidad se puede conseguir un sitio en el mundo del masaje tántrico de Barcelona.

Su clientela, formada por ciudadanos locales y por turistas que visitan Barcelona deseando recibir un masaje con el nivel de calidad que solo él puede ofrecer, crece de forma constante como consecuencia del boca a boca y de las excelentes críticas y opiniones que recibe.

Por esto, prefiere contener la oferta que proporcionar un gran número de servicios sacrificando la calidad. Solo trabaja con dos masajistas masculinos en Barcelona: Tyson y Aleksei. Ambos, aunque con estilos diferentes, tienen una formación adecuada al masaje sensual, y son profesionales capaces de transmitir erotismo y ternura con un elevado nivel de educación.

La calidad del masaje no se limita únicamente a la práctica correcta del masaje. El entorno en el que se ofrece el masaje forma parte de la experiencia. TantraTouch ha creado todos sus centros con el asesoramiento de decoradores familiarizados con los estilos orientales que emplean los materiales apropiados para crear el ambiente de alto standing necesario.

Para Paco la calidad es un factor no negociable e imprescindible. Por este motivo, la calidad en sus masajes tántricos, en los masajes de sus compañeros Tyson y Aleksei, y en el ambiente en el que reciben a los clientes es la máxima posible.

Los masajes que ofrece Paco son experiencias personales e íntimas, por lo que para él lo natural es ofrecer siempre lo mejor de su técnica, de su sensibilidad, de su empatía y vocación de transmitir bienestar y placer.

Si tienes cualquier duda, puedes escribirle directamente: pacotantra@gmail.com, estará encantado de atenderte.

También puedes llamarlo directamente: 676 648 226. Por favor ten en cuenta que podría estar en una sesión de masaje. Si lo pides (grabando un mensaje en el contestador o por SMS), Paco responderá tu llamada en cuanto termine la sesión.

Paco te invita a visitar sus webs en caso de que desees completar la información con los menús, los servicios y los precios disponibles.

676 648 226